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Wednesday 13 August 2014

Chelsea for the title - Mourinho has bought goals unless Man U do an Atletico Madrid

When Chelsea last won the league they scored 103 goals. This was when Carlos Ancelotti was manager. Mourinho's first spell's last season in charge 2007/8 and they only had 63 goals scored finishing third. Last season they had 71 goals and also finished third. With the 3 new signings Costa, Fabregas and the resigning of the legendary Drogba they have potentially 48 extra goals
Since Mourinho's time in Spain hes learned to build a free scoring team. Real scoring 102 goals in his first season then 122 and then 103. Premiership Football and the Wortld Cup has recently favoured the more open scoring games. Last seasons EPL with 100+ goals scored and 35+ against to win titles. See Man City. Though Atletico Madrid wining La Liga may be replicated by defensive Man U !? GF 77 GA26

So unless there is a defensive paradigm switch Chelsea's chances look good if the new signings make the impact expected. Lets hope the surprising symmetry of Costa and Tores La Liga goal ratio doesn't replicate their Chelsea experiences.

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