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Monday 26 May 2014

England - Learn the Lessons from 1970

The 1970 World Cup in Mexico characterised by the heat, which influenced the playing style and seemed dominated by the yellow and blue of Brazil.

Will Brazil 2014 be similar ?

For England lets hope not as an eventful tournament entered as holders eventually was a disappointment and set the tone for most future World Cups.

Lessons we need to remember

Don't get the captain arrested - Bogota Bracelet

Gerrard does have scally credentials but nowadays players could buy a whole jewellery store with a weeks wages. Moore only earned a pittance in comparison - not that he was guilty of course.

Don't miss open goals when playing the world champions elect - Brazil v England 1970 (9.30)

Don't get the goalie and one of our best players sick - Gordon Banks

Hold onto 2 goal leads but not by sitting back and defending as this always seems to go wrong - England vs West Germany

Comment from the Guardian at the time

England wrongly proceeded to...pack the perimeter of their penalty area and concede the central areas.

England were...far too cautious.

The system of playing only two unsuited to Mexico's heat, height, and humidity.

Quarter Finals

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